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Combine photos to make digital art in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, learn how to quickly and easily make stunning art in Photoshop by combining photos.  Learn how to use Layer Blending modes, masks and more to make a difficult looking composite with effortless ease.

Grab the source files (They are watermarked versions you can use for free)

Instructions on using Adobe Stock photos in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn

  • How to combine Photoshop in Photoshop
  • How to Use Layer Blending Modes
  • A cool trick for better blending of difficult areas
  • How to Clone stamp details
  • Add color grading to make digital art pop


I will add written instructions soon, just a little busy right now.


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(Ive been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)

You can get my free Layer Blending modes ebook here

PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I've been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
You can get my free Layer Blending modes ebook along with dozens of exclusive Photoshop Goodies here photoshop goodies for free

41 responses to “Combine photos to make digital art in Photoshop”

  1. Thanks Colin.
    Good video.
    I started on Photoshop 7 – you’d think I should be a master by now, but far from it.

  2. Great tutorials Colin, but most of us, I included, only have Photoshop CS6 or below.
    Thank you, great stuff.

  3. You are going to laugh – regarding the version of Photoshop I started with – Photoshop 5.5 – 1999 LOL
    Love this tutorial! You are the best!

  4. Thank you for those tips, Collin. Blending modes are so powerfull! I started using Photoshop with the 5.0 version on Windows 95 and I’m still catching tricks from your tutorials. It seems to me that you changed something on the voice recording of this last one… If you didn’t change your mike’s position, or maybe the mike by itself, maybe you add some small room reverb on the soundtrack? Well, I just feel like it wasn’t a great idea (the musical background neither). English is no my first language and it’s getting kind of tricky for me to catch your speech… do you believe me? It’s no big deal. You shouldn’t worry for that. I just mention it in case you’re taking care of those kind of details. You’re doing a really good job with those videos. Thanks again.

  5. As always, really good tutorial, Colin. I started with photo shop elements ( I think that’s what was called) 97?
    It came along with my first computer I bought. Since then I felt in love with the software, up to this day. 🙂

  6. Thanks, Colin. Started with CS2 in 2007. I’ve learned so much from you! So last week I blended two photos similar to this and remembered the Blend Mode technique of hiding the blacks. But I needed this tip! Instead of painting black to get the missing parts of the photo, I did a selection and copied the original back on top. It worked, but your way was easier and cleaner. Thanks:)

  7. Very cool tutorial. Amazed how lightened removes background then coming in using the brush. I remember a similar tutorial you did sometime ago as part of a Wacom instructional DVD creating collages…Thanks for the fantastic tutes!

  8. Not sure of the version number but my wife & I used one of the first versions of PS in 1990 in our graphic design & typesetting business. Prior to that we used Aldus Freehand and prior to that we were using something called Digital Darkroom…the latter only worked in grayscale, no color.

  9. Colin you are the greatest. Your tutorials are always easy to follow and replicate. Keep up the cool work. I started with
    the first iteration of Photoshop.

  10. I don’t really remember, PS 3 or 4? Amazing how long you can use a program and barely scratch its surface. What a really cool tip on the clone tool! I had no idea.

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