I started with a new document at 800 X 800 pixels, RGB and 72 dpi. The size doesn’t matter really.
Set your foreground and background colors to light and dark wood tones as shown.
Choose Filter>Render>Fibers.
This is where you will dial in the wood texture. Experiment with different variance and strength settings for different results.
You will now have a texture that looks like wood. If you don’t like it, undo and try the fibers again with different settings.
I like to stretch the texture a little bit.
Choose Image>Image size and make the height 2x the width (800×1600)
Many times you may prefer the texture to be horizontal. In this case choose Image>rotation> 90 Clockwise
For a touch or realism, let’s add some knots (optional)
Choose the elliptical marquee tool and make oval shaped selections. In this case I made 2 selections. Tip: Hold down the shift key to add a second selection.
Before we add the knots, let’s make sure they blend in. Choose Select>Modify Selection>Feather and choose 30 pixels
Choose distort>Twirl to create the effect. I chose and angle of 205. This setting will all depend on the resolution of your image and how tight you want the knot to appear.
One last thing to give it that final polish, and this is optional.
Choose Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask to define the wood a little but more.
Radius: 2.2
There you have it, wood texture in Photoshop.
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amazing! this was an awesome tutorial, thank you so much for sharing!
Awesome! How do I load that into my gradients / patterns ?
Save it to your library if you are in CC. otherwise select it and then choose edit>define pattern
This tutor on wood making is wonderful
this is just what i needed. thank you so much