Nik Collection v4 by DXO
What’s new in this set of Photoshop plugins?
Check out my in depth review of NIK collection4.
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Thanks for the review on the Nik (whatever) filters. I’m a longtime user and proponent of these, and will be looking to upgrade soon. Obviously, the review was fast (it’s a review); love to see what you come up with for tutorials. Thanks.
Yes, do more tutorials!
Excellent, it’s always very useful & interesting to see & hear a clear & unbiased review on software & it’s new features, thank you.
More tutorials would be great.
Nice intro into Nik v.4. Been using Nik for many years, relying on it heavily for my editing tweaks. Please create some tutorials for the new version, as that would be greatly appreciated!
Yes, do more tutorials. I have used Nik for a while now & really love Color Efex & Viveza. Have not used Silver Efex too much, but want to get better with it, Insights are always helpful.
I’ve been using Nik since it was Nik … i.e., before Google. I’m happy DxO has revived it but have been troubled with the v.3 copy I’m using. Specifically, only a few modules work well with a 4K monitor … The interfaces on the rest of them all have a gui problem where they present in “ant font.” (i.e., It’s so small as to be impossible to read and it cannot be adjusted larger. Trust me – I’ve tried!) QUESTION: Do you know if DxO has finally resolved this in the v.4 release for ALL modules? Thanks!
Many thanks Colin. Look forward to the tutorials.