LUT stands for Look Up Table. These were originally used by filmmakers and videographers and applied to video to create film looks in movies and to convert from one color space to another. A very common use for LUTs is previewing, or converting footage shot in a log mode. These are essential tools in color grading and emulating classic film looks.
To over simplify, they are presets. They actually remap the color values, based on the color lookup CLUT. In imaging, think of Web Safe colors, that is actually a very simple form of a LUT, or you could also think of curves. I’m going to just leave it at that, as the explanation can get very technical, very quickly. We focus on the practical here at the CAFE. How can I actually use it. We are artists not scientists.
You can use LUTS to enhance and apply color grading to your images in a single click in Photoshop. They are powerful, quick and easy to use.
You will see them go by different extensions which all work in Photoshop, (both latest version and CS6); .3DL, .CUBE, .look. The same LUTS will work in other apps such as After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Resolve and others.
LUTs are easy to use in Photoshop. I will show you how to use them here and provide a couple very handy tips.
The original photo in Photoshop. An image I captured locally, unedited, straight out of Camera.
Click on the Adjustment Layer icon.
Choose Color Lookup.
Open the Properties inspector. Window>Properties
Click on Load 3D LUT
You will see a list of LUTs that ship with Photoshop. I’ll give you more soon, stay tuned.
Here we are choosing the Edgy Amber one.
You can see how it changes the color and tonality of the photo. There are no settings for LUTs, or so they tell us, hehe. (I’ll show you a tip in a sec)
You can change the intensity of a LUT by adjusting the opacity.
You can always change the Layer Blending mode too.
“Wait? What Sliders,” you say? “LUTS don’t have settings”. You are right and you are wrong.
I had an epiphany one day and I’m going to share it with you, here first.
Ok, here we go.
Duplicate the LUT layer, so you have 2 layers.
Change one to Color Blending Mode and the other to Luminosity blending mode.
Adjust the opacity on the color layer to vary the color
Adjust the opacity on the Luminosity layer to alter the tone
(If you share this tip, I’d love the credit, wink, wink)
Although Photoshop ships with some LUTs you can extend the usefulness by using your own LUTs, or ones you have acquired.
Click on the Adjustment Layer icon.
Choose Color Lookup.
Click on Load 3D LUT in the Properties panel.
When the menu opens, click on Load 3D LUT a second time.
Now you can navigate to your computer.
Find some LUTs you have on your system (I’ll hook you up with some)
Choose the LUT you want to use, in this case, the Punch.CUBE LUT that I created,
Immediately you will get the look on the photo. This one adds ..punch and a nice rich sepia tone.
You will see the punch LUT is selected in the Properties inspector.
Let’s try another of my custom LUTs, click on Mildly Cinematic.CUBE
And we get a totally different look. (Which one did you prefer?)
As you can see, using these LUTs can transform your images instantly and dramatically.
A challenge with the custom LUTs is having to lad them in each time, they don’t stay in the menu. I’m going to show you how to get them in the menu all the time.
But first, you will need some LUTs to install. Ta-da.
Now you are waiting for me to sell you some LUTs right? Nope, I’m going to give you the two I just showed you, as well as more.
You can download the set of 5 quality LUTs right here, for Free.
Not only will you get the LUTs, you will also get Actions, presets, brushes, eBooks, profiles, cheat sheets, sky packs and more. I call this collection the Photoshop Vault. I have put a LOT of time and work into creating this master set of Photoshop tools. I decided, I wanted to thank you for all your years of supporting my efforts here at the CAFE (20 years). So I am giving them to you, free. I hope you enjoy. I have installation instructions included with each preset pack.
Once you download these goodies, just unzip them (they are in Zip files)
On MAC, Double click to open.
Windows, Right-Click the zip folder, Select Extract all and choose a location to extract them. Extract them to a location you can find, like the desktop, don’t open to a random location. Then save a copy somewhere for safe keeping.
One of the challenging things about custom LUTs is having to load them every time you want to use them.
Find your installation folder for Photoshop
On MAC its probably Applications/Adobe Photoshop/Presets/3DLUTs
Windows C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop\Presets\3DLUTs
(These locations could change in future updates, and might be different in older versions. If they do and I haven’t updated this yet, Google “where are LUTS in Photoshop, on my computer”)
Drag your set of LUTs into the Folder. (Copy, don’t move, unless you have already backed them up).
Restart Photoshop and you will now see the custom PSC LUTs loaded in when you use LUTs the next time.
All ready for use on another photo that I shot of musician Taylor Davis.
And here is the filmic LUT in action. Remember, you can adjust the opacity to reduce the effect, if it’s too strong.
I really hope that you found this tutorial useful.
Consider following me on social media for more Photoshop updates and tip of the day. (every platform @photoshopCAFE).
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Thank you, Collin. I really appreciate your tutorials. Those LUTs are really impressive stuff. I’ve used them in Premiere and surely will get a hand on them in Photoshop now. I’ve got a question: what’s the reason behind calling theses files 3dlut. What’s the 3D for?
Thanks for the freebies Colin! I’ve often wondered about LUTs and you have answered my questions! Love your tutorials!
Thank you! I appreciate your devotion to teaching Photoshop!
Great info once again! I’ve been using Photoshop and Premiere for years and didn’t know about LUTS.
Thanks Colin.
Colin!!!! Thanks for the knowledge and thanks for the extra goodies. Very kind of you.
Sorry Colin, Where is the like button?!! Thank you for your many great tutorials.
Its on youtube
Thanks Colin!
Great tutorial, thanks!
This is great info, Colin! And, thanks for the freebie LUTs in the “vault”. Okay, now I have another question… Once we install all the great LUTs into our Ps CC Color Lookup list (for easy access) is there a star system or color highlighting capability in the LUT panel to prioritize (or, rate) our favorites so we don’t have to houseclean & delete less used LUTs? Thx!
No, there isn’t, sorry
Thanks for the freebies. I’ve often wondered about LUTs and you have answered my questions. Your website is literally the first thing I think of whenever I get stuck in my project because you always have the answers to my questions. Thanks for sharing so much information.
Luts is a good enough. I am using them since CS6 version in my design projects.
Thanks, buddy
Thank you for the freebies and this lesson on how to use LUTs and Install them into Photoshop. Is there a way to Install them into Lightroom Classic? Thanks again and Happy New Year!!
Can you have sub-folders within the LUTS folder itself? The listing of LUTS can get very long over time.
Thank you.
Great tutorial on using and installing LUTs in Photoshop! I found the step-by-step instructions really helpful, especially the tips on how to preview different LUTs before applying them. Can’t wait to enhance my photos with these techniques! Thanks for sharing!