I’m very lucky to count among my friends some of the best and most influential Photoshop and Creative Suite users and instructors. Because of this, I’m able to pull in some favors and assemble an amazing team of writers. The CS6 guide has the best that we have ever had and the pages are jammed full of goodies. I’ve had people tell me that I should be charging for this because the information is better that what you find in a lot of paid publications. But if you know anything about me, I love to to make stuff free whenever I can. It’s a way to give back to the community that supports us and
have helped build PhotoshopCAFE. So of course themagazine remains free of charge.
We have been doing new feature Photoshop launch sites (that are live within seconds of Adobe announcements) since I don’t remember when. As far as the super guides, this is our 3rd time. We did, CS4, CS5 and now CS6. We launch the companion website right on announcement and usually follow up pretty quickly with the downloadable magazine. (the companion website links are here)
I have just updated the information to include Creative Cloud and the latest features in the updated Creative Cloud version of Photoshop, CS6.1. These features are only available to CC subscribers. Anyway, rather than write about it all here, you should download the magazine and read it for yourself. We do require you to give us your email address, so we can let you know about updates new tutorials and exclusive CAFE only specials. So that means if you have already signed up as a CAFE member (free and takes 15 seconds) you don’t have to do anything, we will send it to you automatically.
So thanks for your support and making the CAFE a great destination on the web.
PhotoshopCAFE awarded the best DVD of the year from PPA Lightroom 5 For Digital Photographers training was awarded the coveted Hot One Award for 2014. This is the 2nd time this Lightroom training series has won this award (2011 for the LR3 version). We work very hard to make sure our training is the best … Continued
Learn what HDR really is and isn’t. It’s all explained in this free tutorial. I have just completely updated the free tutorial on HDR and Photoshop. It covers shooting, merging and tone mapping. Also covers Lightroom and Photomatix. Click to read the HDR and Photoshop CS6 Tutorial
What can be more exciting than the smell of burning rubber and the ground shaking, body moving sound of highly tuned dragsters tearing up the tarmac? How about shooting them with a drone?