I just want to let you know how much I use and appreciate the info from your e-mails and website. I often print copies of useful tips and tutorials from the many, many Photoshop sources around the internet for later reference (a sort of “best-of-the-best” collection). I keep only the most useful ones in a large binder on my desk. My “collection” has grown steadily over the past year and yesterday it became obvious that I would need to start a new binder. As I glanced through my current collection, I was startled to find that about 80% of my best practices were from, you guessed it, Photoshop Café. Given the large number of sources that I monitor, this is HUGELY significant.
I obviously owe you a debt of gratitude. Thanks so very much for your enrichment of my Photoshop experiences and your promotion of the art.
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